Anime meets hip-hop. This is the sound of Kabukicho Heat, an otherworldly collaboration between one of Japan’s hottest ‘idols’ and Saint Rogue’s hottest producers. Taking inspiration from artists like Coa White, GIRIBOY, and Stray Kids, Kabukicho Heat transcends genres, the seamless combo of charm and urban force.
Imagine the ethereal melodies of your favorite anime characters meeting the gritty rhythms of the streets. Hana Punk transcends genres, inviting you to embrace the seamless combo of adorable charm and urban coolness.
Notable accolades
Available for sync licensing through Extreme Music
Featured at ESL Pro Tour 2024 and CS2 Major Blast
Music used in Netflix’s Super Rich in Korea, Bravo’s The Valley, NBC’s America’s Got Talent, Netflix’s City Hunter